Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday continued

We walked through a replica of captain Scott's Antarctic hut (1911) and saw tools and equipment they used a hundred years ago.  Lots of sharks, stingrays, sea horses, eels, one octopus, crayfish, turtles etc.  Came back to our area and had lunch with Susan and had to saw good bye again.  Ray and I walked around this afternoon and went out to a pub for dinner where they served the toughest steak that we've ever had.  On our way back to our hotel and may stop for a snack along the way.  \We are weaning ourselves off the 6 meals a day we had on the ship.  Don't know who won the Oscars, it was on this afternoon here.  From Facebook it seems that lots weren't impressed with the hosts.  We're at the Imax for the internet and Ray went to find out if The King's Speech was playing. ...It was and it was $30.00 each for the tickets.  For that price, I'd want to see Colin Firth in person.


  1. So when will you b back in Canada? i can imagine all the stories you will have when you get back. We have loads and loads of snow and there's more tomorrow,my guts is turned,can't wait for spring. This cold weather is taking it's toll on my arthritis,feels like I've been beaten with a stick. Have a good Day\night. Love you
